Pants: **MDL** Metal Dorado ( Free! - L$0 - Subscribe Gift )
Glasses: .:*December*:. Glasses No.67 Group Gift ( Free! - L$0 - Group Gift )
Hair: Alice Project - Brittany - Brown 01 Lucky board ( Free! - L$0 - Lucky Board! )
Bangles: *YS&YS* Glow Bangles Gold ( Not free )
Necklace: *YS&YS* Afrika Necklace ( Not free )
Bra: d. Select Tops Bikini black ( Not free )
Corset: ~fameless~ Burlesque Corsett all ( Not free )
Belt: ~Pepper~ Bullet Belt (TOUCH) ( Not free -
NewWww!!! )
Necklace: ~Pepper~ Love Necklace - Lazy Sunday ( Lazy Sunday Item! - Special Price! )
Chest Tattoo: .:: Delusions ::. Sadistic (chest) ( Not Free -
NewWWww!!! - ThxXXx Whisper Bella! )
Belly Tattoo: .:: Delusions ::. Nymphetamine ( Not Free -
NewWWww!!! - I Learned on Whisper's Class today that, Nymphetamine is a Mix between Nymphomaniac and a Drug LOL )
Nails: ::je suis...naive Nails v.2::BASIC NAILS ( Not Free -
NewWWww - They are Incredible, and with a big variety of huds, each color have a Gradient, and for all those that know Je:Suis, We know that they comes with a hud that give us a Pose to make our things even easier!, I love these Nails :) ThxXx Julia Merosi and Winter Viper!!
Note: You have to buy the basic nails first and then you choose what style of nails you want, and it comes with the hud to change the color and the gradient of them! its awesome! )